Healthy Living Tip: Need To Drink More Water?

Losing weight, attempting to maintain your weight, and healthy eating can be very difficult processes. I am always looking for ways stay healthy on a budget. Here is tip I recently discovered that I am really excited about!

Add lemon to your water at home

This tip saves both money and calories! Everyone knows they should drink more water but many struggle to do so. Recently, I noticed that I am getting bored with my ‘water only’ drink menu. We really can’t afford to add juice mixes to our grocery budget, and I am really trying to move away from processed foods in any form.

Last night, I finally found a solution.  I am not sure why this not occurred to me before. I picked up 3 lemons and a lime (on sale for 39 cents each). I cut them up into eight pieces and keep them in a container in my fridge. Every time I refill my water glass, I squeeze one piece into my water. This averages about 5 cents a glass which is much cheaper than the to-go drink add-ins.

Adding the lemon gives the sweetness I desire, which is helping reduce my sweet tooth. Also, lemon has a plethora of health benefits including vitamins and detoxifying properties. This has gotten me excited about drinking water again. Drinking water helps me stay hydrated and keeps my system clean. It also prevents over-snacking as our body often mistakes our thirst for hunger.

It may seem simple,  but adding lemon to your water at home is an inexpensive way to add nutrients and variety to your life!

P.S. I have been doing some online writing in additional outlets. See my previous post below for links!

P.S.S. If you are interested in additional information related to the health benefits of lemons, check out the links below:

A Dr. Oz video on the health benefits of lemons

16 Health Benefits of Lemons



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