5 Fast Tips For Finding Free Samples Online

Until about four months ago, I never knew you could get useful free things anywhere, especially online. Little did I know, companies are waiting to give out usable and relevant free product samples to willing customers. Not only do these free samples stock my closets with supplies, but I am also able to donate the extra to my local homeless shelter. Before giving you some tips on how to make this process fast and easy, let me share a few photos of the products I have received for free in the last few months:

These are items I paid nothing for. You may be thinking, this sounds too good to be true, what is in this for the companies that send these products? The answer is, if I try their product and like it, I will most likely buy it. Plus, they have built customer loyalty with me because I see them as a generous company. They usually also send coupons with the sample, which are added bonuses!
Here are some do’s and don’ts for finding freebies online:

1) DO create a separate email address.
Many people are hesitant to share their email address, fearing their inbox will be overrun with unwanted advertisements. This is why I recommend setting up a separate email address specifically for using in online forms.

2) DO download the Google tool bar and activate the AutoFill tool.
This tool part will fill in the majority of the required fields for you. It makes filling in most forms quick and easy. This is the biggest time saver I have found. Click here for more information.

3) DO find the best deal sites and check them often.
My favorites are:
www.allyou.com (I subscribe to their daily free sample email instead of visiting their site daily)

4) DO read the fine print and avoid offers that do not come directly from the sending company.
I do not complete any offers that require me to do anything other than complete a form. If an offer is not coming directly from the company, it is likely not a valid offer.

4) DON’T share your credit card information.
Personally, I also don’t complete any offers that require my telephone number. That is just a personal preference.

I hope these tips help you find some awesome freebies! Let me know how it goes!

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