6 Natural Ways To Prevent or Reduce Cold/Flu Symptoms

Both Michael and I have started feeling the hint of a cold coming on the last few days. At just the mention of the possibility, I swing into natural medicine woman, trying every trick in the book to prevent getting sick :). For today’s Trying To Be Healthy Tuesday post, I thought I would share my top 6 ways for naturally preventing sickness. Note: I am not a doctor or medical professional. This is just advice from personal experience. Consult with a medical professional before making any major changes in your health routine.

1) Up my intake of vitamins and supplements, especially Vitamin C.
I also start taking an Echinacea/Golden-seal supplement at the first sign of the sniffles. You should not take Echinacea for more than seven days, if you are pregnant or nursing, or if you have a daisy allergy. Again, I am not a medical professional, these are just things I have found to help me. You may want to check with your doctor before adding any new supplements.

2) Increase my water intake.
Trying to flush out the junk :)

3) Try to eat more fruits and vegetables.
The more nutrients we can get naturally through our food, the better.

4) Eat foods with garlic and cayenne pepper.
These foods have been shown to have natural antibiotic properties.

5) Take a baking soda bath.
I am not sure how or why it works, but my massage therapy teacher swore by it, and it has always helped me. For me, this seems to reduce muscle soreness and minimize overall symptoms. Just dissolve one box of baking soda in your nightly bath and soak for around 20 minutes.

6) Make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep.
Sleep is crucial in preventing illness. Your body needs rest to heal itself. Asking your body to get well without sleep is like asking a mechanic to fix your car without any tools.

I would love to hear your top tricks for preventing sickness in the comment section below!

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